Juvenile Justice Online (JJO) is online service for School Administrators with the goal of training you with the cutting edge, Police Level, High Tech investigative methods for Juvenile Crimes. That is where the second function comes in; once you find juvenile offenders, provide an alternative to Suspension, Expulsion or Police Arrests. On the system your role is called a "Diversion Agent".
1. Provides an Online Learning Management System for you to receive Training/Webinars from the experts in Several Fields.
- The Training will be specific for your Role as a School Administrator. Examples are:
How to use Diversions as an Alternative to Adjudication
How to use the Juvenile Justice Online System
School Administrator Response to Internet crime
Sexting Investigations for School Administrators
Investigating Bullying for School Administrators
Social Media/Mobile Applications Investigations for School Administrators
2. Secondly, As a Diversion Agent, you can use the FREE Case management tool to administrate Juvenile "Diversions".
This is how it works:
You will sit down with the parents and the child offender and give them a choice of school punishment (Suspension or Expulsion) or go through a "Diversion". You can issue a Diversion via a paper form or you can use JJO for FREE. Here is how it works
If the parent cannot afford the training fee, you have several options
Have a friend or relative purchase a coupon for them at Donor Connection.
Most Schools have "After School Funds" that may be able to be used. Talk to your principal and they may be able to purchase a coupon for you at Donor Connection